Hello World

Adam and Ariel in Kalamazoo, Michigan (October 2021)

Well, we’re finally doing this thing. It’s been years in the making (or better yet, in our heads) and now it’s finally coming to life. This blog is a special project that’s really meant to be a tool of documentation. Adam and I have been traveling for several years together and it’s finally time we share our stories. From our college backpacking trip in China 7 years ago (where I managed to get pick-pocketed on the first day) to our upcoming trip to the Netherlands (navigating the many challenges that come with traveling abroad during a global pandemic), there are endless amounts of lessons learned, photos captured, and itineraries planned.

Throughout this process we want this blog to serve as a place of inspiration. We hope to inspire new ways of looking at travel and understanding the different approaches you can take to planning a trip, whether it’s around the globe or in your own backyard.

Skydeck Chicago (April 2021)

Let’s be honest, most of us travel to seek the iconic city sights. Who doesn’t want to check The Bean, Eiffel Tower, or Great Wall off of their list? But how do you get there? What do you do once you’ve taken that million-dollar shot? Or what do you do if all of a sudden the weather starts getting so foggy that your sight is completely erased from view? Trust us, it happens.

Stick with us. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Subscribe to our blog to learn more about where we’ve been and where we’re going next to seek our next sight.


Netherlands trip planning - Nov. 2021